◦ PERL: Date, Opratori și Instructiuni (diagramă) [↓]
◦ PERL: Exemplu de realizare a unei subrutine [↓]
◦ PERL: Variabile globale vs. variabile locale [↓]
◦ Date: intrări/ieșiri: instrucțiunile: print, say: [↓] printf [↓]
◦ Declararea variabilelor: $scalar [↓] @array [↓] %hash [↓]
◦ Declararea constantelor: $scalar, @array, %hash [↓]
◦ Operatori: Atribuire, Aritmetică, Egalitate, Logică: [↓]
◦ Șiruri de caractere: Funcții pentru șiruri [↓], Comparații [↓],
ASCII [↓], Funcția sort pentru sortare [↓]
◦ Instrucțiunea de decizie: if, unless, elsif, else [↓]
◦ Instrucțiuni de control: do, while, until, for, foreach [↓]
◦ Instrucțiuni de control: next, redo, last, exit: [↓], continue: [↓]
◦ Fișiere: Citire, Scriere: [↓], Record separators: [↓]
◦ Blocuri funcționale: var. globale vs. var. locale: my [↓] our [↓]
◦ Blocuri funcționale: subrutine (functii, proceduri): [↓] [↓]
◦ Referințe: \$scalar [↓] \@array [↓] \%hash [↓] \&sub [↓]
◦ Referințe anonime, scalar: $refscalar = \; [↓] [↓]
◦ Referințe anonime, array: $refarray = [ ]; [↓] [↓] [↓]
◦ Referințe anonime, hash: $refhash = { }; [↓] [↓] [↓]
◦ Referințe anonime, subrutine: $refsub = sub { }; [↓]
◦ Referințe, exemple pentru niveluri multiple de referire [↓] [↓]
◦ Module: Exemplu: [↓] [↓] Modulul Chart [↓]
◦ RegEx: Regular Expressions: [↓] [↓] [↓] [↓] [↓] [↓] [↓]
◦ Object-Oriented Programming: OOP [↓] [↓] [↓]
◦ Exemplele realizate la lucrările practice:
◦ Secvențele în format FASTA folosite în cadrul exemplelor
provin de la Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr.
reprezentând genele: [phoA] [sodA] [glnA] [cyaA] [fadA]
◦ Bibliografie [↓] |
◦ Alternative Splicing Detection Tool, A novel PERL algorithm
for sensitive detection of splicing events [→]
◦ Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics:
Collaborations on the Road to Genomic Medicine? [→]
◦ Bioinformatics Explained (BioStars) [→]
◦ Bioinformatics Organization [→]
◦ Bioinformatics Resources [→]
◦ Bioinformatics Review Magazine [→]
◦ Bioinformatics Training at University of Cambridge [→]
◦ Bioinformatics: What the Clinical Laboratorian
Needs to Know and Prepare For [→]
◦ Bioinformatics: What When How [→]
◦ Clinical bioinformatics: A new emerging science [→] ◦ EMBnet: The Global Bioinformatics Network [→]
◦ Genome Research Journal [→]
◦ Health Sciences Library System: Health Sciences
Communities at the University of Pittsburghy [→]
◦ Learn about Bioinformatics
and Computational
Tools for
Biology (Bioinformatics and Research Computing) [→] ◦ Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research:
Health informatics, bioinformatics, medical informatics [→]
◦ OBRC: Online Bioinformatics Resources Collection [→]
◦ Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) [→]
◦ PLOS Computational Biology Journal [→]
◦ Protein Science: Special Issue:Tools for Protein Science [→]
◦ RSBI: Romanian Society of Bioinformatics [→]
◦ The Bio-Web: Molecular and Cell Biology and Bioinformatics
news, tools, books, resources, web app. development [→]
◦ The Sequence Ontology Project [→]
◦ YourGenome: everything about DNA, genes and genomes [→] |
◦ About Perl, Basics & Tutorials (ThoughtCo) [→]
◦ ActiveState ActivePerl Free Community Edition [→]
◦ ActiveState Available Documentation [→]
◦ Alternative Splicing Detection Tool, A novel
for sensitive detection of splicing events [→]
◦ ASCII American Standard Code Information Interchange [→]
◦ Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics (book) [→]
◦ BioPerl Project: open source Perl tools
for bioinformatics,
genomics and life science [→] ◦ CPAN: Comprehensive Perl Archive Network [→]
◦ How Perl Saved the Human Genome Project [→] ◦ javaTpoint: Perl Tutorial [→] ◦ Learn Perl, CodesDope Courses [→]
◦ Learn Perl, Helping you get started with Perl [→]
◦ List of computing and IT abbreviations [→]
◦ O'Reilly's CD Bookshelf (Perl ver.1 to ver.4) [→]
◦ Perl 5 by Example (by David Medinets) [→]
◦ Perl Beginners' Site [→]
◦ Perl for Biologists: Learning the basics of the Perl
through genomics examples [→]
◦ Perl Code for Performing an HTTP Request [→]
◦ Perl Hacks: Perl hacker's blog [→]
◦ Perl Introduction and Tutorial from Tizag [→]
◦ Perl Maven: Perl Tutorials and Courses [→]
◦ Perl Maven RO: Traducere parțială în limba
română a tutorialului pentru începători [→]
◦ Perl Programming Documentation [→]
◦ Perl Programming Language (GeeksForGeeks) [→]
◦ Perl Special Variables [→]
◦ Perl Special Variables Quick Reference [→]
◦ Perl Tutorial for Beginners (BeginnersBook) [→]
◦ Perl Tutorial for Beginners: Learn in 1 Days [→]
◦ Perl Tutorial with practical examples [→]
◦ Perl.com Quality articles about Perl programming [→]
◦ Perl101.org: Provide you with everything that
every Perl programmer should know [→]
◦ PerlMonks Tutorials [→]
◦ Practical Perl Programmingl [→]
◦ RegEx: Complete Regular Expressions [→]
◦ RegEx: Perl 5.32.1 Documentation [→]
◦ RegEx101: Regular Expressions 101 [→]
◦ RegexOne, Learn Regular Exp. with simple ex. [→]
◦ RegExr: tool to build & test Regular Expressions PCRE [→]
◦ Regular expressions in Perl tabular summary [→]
◦ RexEgg: world's most tyrannosaurical regex tutorials [→]
◦ Strawberry Perl for Microsoft Windows [→]
◦ Ten Perl Myths (by Simon Cozens) [→]
◦ The Perl Programming Language [→]
◦ TutorialsPoint, Perl Programming Examples [→]
◦ Why use Perl in Bioinformatics? [→]
◦ ASD: Allosteric Database [→]
◦ BRENDA: Comprehensive Enzyme Information System [→]
◦ CIRCOS: Circular Visualization Software Package [→] ◦ DBAASP: Database of Antimicrobial Activity
and Structure of Peptides [→]
◦ e!Ensembl: Genome browser & Perl API provides an
abstraction layer for accessing the genomic databases [→]
◦ e!Ensembl: Train online provides a quick beginner's guide
to the overall structure of the Ensembl genome browser [→]
◦ e!EnsemblGenomes: for the annotation and interpretation,
comparative analysis
and display genomes. [→]
◦ EMBL-EBI: European Molecular Biology Laboratory
and European Bioinformatics Institute [→]
◦ ExPASy: The SIB Bioinformatics Resource Portal [→]
◦ ExplorEnz: The Enzyme Database [→]
◦ FlyBase: A Database of Drosophila Genes & Genomes [→]
◦ Galaxy@Pasteur: A portal for bioinformatics analyses [→]
◦ GENCODE: Encyclopedia of genes and gene variants [→]
◦ GenomeNet: Japanese network of database and
services for genome research and related
research areas in biomedical sciences. [→]
◦ GenomeTools: Genome analysis software [→]
◦ GtP: Guide to PHARMACOLOGY [→]
◦ HUGO: Gene Nomenclature Committee [→]
◦ KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes [→]
◦ MGI: Mouse Genome Informatics [→]
◦ NCBI: Datasets, finding, browsing, and downloading data [→]
◦ NCBI: Genomes Download using FTP [→]
◦ NCBI: Human Genome Resources [→]
◦ NCBI: Genome Data Viewer. [→]
◦ NCBI: National Center for Biotechnology Information [→]
◦ OMIM: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Mans [→] ◦ PROSITE: Documentation entries describing protein
domains, families and functional sites [→]
◦ REBASE: The Restriction Enzyme Database [→]
◦ RGD: Rat Genome Database [→]
◦ SIB: Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics [→]
◦ SWISS-MODEL: a fully automated protein structure
homology-modeling server [→]
◦ TAIR: The Arabidopsis Information Resource [→]
◦ TCDB: Transporter Classification DataBase [→]
◦ TranscriptomeBrowser and InteractomeBrowser [→]
◦ UCSC Genomics Institute: Genome Browser [→]
◦ UniProt: Universal Protein Resource [→]
◦ Vega Genome Browser [→]
◦ wwPDB: The Worldwide Protein Data Bank Archive [→]
◦ ZFIN: Zebrafish Model Organism Database [→]